Saturday, December 4, 2010

How to Count, Part 2

Everett Bogue often likes to state in his blog that he has over 70,000 readers. In fact, the header of his website proudly boasts this statistic:


Lower on the page, however, the counter gives a far different number:

I have a feeling I know which is the more accurate count.


  1. the Minimalist Business Prophecies were foretold by the Operation Ivy, in the "Take Warning":

    "....Bogue calls it a new way of thinking
    I call it regression to ignorance
    Take Warning
    A new generation's coming and we really gotta stand up to them
    take warning
    None one's got anything against you
    unless you got something to prove
    we don't need no new set of standards
    we don't need no new set of rules, man!
    heard all that shit before
    about stomping out any difference...."

    simplicity? awesome. reverse-materialism? queer.

  2. He's probably counting visitors from Google Analytics for the inflated figure. Still, you can hardly call people "readers" who stop by once on a Google search and leave within a few seconds (which constitutes the majority of most website visitors from search engines on pretty much all websites).

    Heck, I don't read even 10% of the blogs I subscribe to even. And of those, I only read a handful closely.

  3. Indeed Duff. His bounce rate's probably through the roof! Of course, apparently there are 7000 people who like self-serving ego-stroking enough to click "subscribe" which is disappointing in its own right.

  4. EvBo just upped his claim to 85,345 readers a month.

    if EvBo ever produces offspring, i'd be curious to what his lifestyle and Things Count looks like then. would he then be a Drone/Zombie?

  5. Yeah, basically the top number is 10 times greater than the subscribers.

    I am embarrassed to say....I am one of the 8500+ subscribers. Fuck...I hate myself for it. It started off as some good reads....anymore I just keep subscribed for some major LOLs.
