Monday, December 13, 2010

Great Minimalists in History

Gandhi was definitely a minimalist.
He probably only had a couple cell phones. Not like all these "consumers" who eat at "McDonald's"...pigs. I consider him a great inspiration to me, and I'm sure that since he was reincarnated as someone else, I'm a great inspiration to him, too.

An African child.
Look at how much this child has been able to shed from his or her (hard to tell) lifestyle. Not tied down by cell phones and jobs and computers. Well done children. I can see that you've seen minimalism on TV and decided to buy into it.

The Rapanui (from the Easter Islands)
These guys were so minimalistical that they pretty much don't exist anymore. Cross "functional society" off your "list of things you own" list.

So it's not that hard, people. You just need to look to people like these who intentionally get rid of material possessions. Go buy a book about it.


  1. from his most recent: "This is the second part in a series on some metaphors that I’ve been playing with in my head for awhile. If you missed the first part, it was about the superhuman/drone divide, this article is about hunting zombies (and avoiding being bitten). If you want to catch the next article in this series (it’s going to be on MONEY!)" -EvBo

    yeah. "superhuman", "drone", and "zombie". he's been workin on those for a while, and it shows! killer, well thought out metaphors there, EvBo.

    i can't wait for the next post on MONEY!

  2. My buddy and I just found your website and were 100% convinced that the other had started it!

    I'm so tired of EB's bullshit writing, but not QUITE as tired as I am of everyone constantly calling him genius because he is an aloof, bitchy, arrogant little piece of dolphin feces. I feel like Mugatu at the end of Zoolander when he screams "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!" every time someone new lauds over his latest swill.

    Telling me to burn my TV and then taking guest appearances on it? Sell my stuff but then buy his? Save the world "like me"...but then sit in the park or on a yoga mat all day? For someone who has an opinion on everything, he refuses to let anyone have one on his site (i.e. no comments). I'm afraid if I met him in person I'd want to punch him in his waif little face for how he has treated people verbally.

    And does anyone else feel like that a list of the "Top 10 Bloggers who are GAY but refuse to admit it" EB would be numbers 1 through 10? Watching the "pretty boys and girls" at the park? Seriously?


    (PS - Love that someone else is seeing this crap for what it is!!!!)

  3. great point on the comments being turned off, BA. coincidentally, EvBo comments on his closed comments section in his most recent post:

    " When you turn off blog comments, your blog will begin to grow exponentially in power "

    what a pussy. EvBo equates criticism to some crazy person approaching you on the street and screaming at you to stop doing your work.

    "The first time someone emailed me and told me to stop doing what I was doing, I cried. The next time, I still cried. You know what? It still hurts. Every single time I get a message from some idiot out there who wants to lash out at me because he hates his life, I can only feel eternal sympathy for them, which translates into my own discomfort.

    As soon as your digital self identifies a troll…

    1. In email, mark as SPAM.
    2. On Twitter, mark as BLOCK.
    3. On Facebook, unfriend immediately."

    silencing any and all dissent. that's very fascist of you, EvBo. Do you work in politics?

  4. Yes! yes! yes! roadhouse Swayze that is perfect. He cried? sweet christ. Welcome to the internet.

    BA keep spreading the good word. The more google-able this blog becomes, the more we can make idiots cry.
