Monday, June 6, 2011

Far Beyond My Sharkjump

Have you ever gotten someone else's beard hair stuck between your two front teeth?
Have you ever bent your fingernail back too far?
Have you ever chewed a chunk of gristle for one or two bites too many?
Have you ever really thought about the word moist? I mean really thought?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you have some idea of how we at Far Beyond My Ego have been feeling about reading Ev Bogue's blog/twitter for the last few months. It gives a creepy, unpleasant, not-entirely-painful-but-still-traumatizing sensation. Where once we gleaned disdainful amusement, now we are merely sickened. So we mostly avoid it, and thus we have very little inspiration for blog posts.

We thank you, Several Readers, for your comments over the last few months. It's always heartening to see new random like-minded people leaving comments when we're too lazy/jaded to update our blog.

Recently I saw a Subaru commercial starring a tousle-haired douchebag who reminded me a lot of Ev. You should watch it too. What do you think? The guy with the barely-buttoned shirt. Is that Ev's second self? Or am I being generous?

You should also check out this great blog post wherein the term "cyBogue" is coined, much to the chagrin of the original cyBogue.

Anything else we've missed?


  1. Today I decided to check in on Ev - hadn't been to his site in while.

    During my absence, Ev has decided that Twitter is dead.

    Mind you, a few months ago Twitter was the cure for cancer, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny, all rolled up in one site.

    But now Ev has evolved beyond it. ha!

  2. I can't help it, I just have to keep checking up on him. Fortunately he continues to be entertaining!

    "I recently untethered from most of my hair."

    Loved his 180 on Twitter as well. I actually kind of have to respect the guy for not being afraid to change his mind so radically, but I still wonder about his mental health. I do not wonder about his ego, however.

  3. Twitter may be dead, but hallelujah! Google Plus hath risen to glorious life!

    He is now busy asking questions there. Stuff like "What words come up in you when you think of my work?" FML I couldn't resist....

  4. you're missing some great parts right now, with ev's holidays in Mexico where he writes every day a free 'letter' because (another 180), he suddenly decided that blogs are dead and email is cool. That way he can pollute our mailboxes instead of the net. There are some nice topics right now : how he can have a taco in the morning and a fruit juice in the afternoon, how coffee is sooooo cyber-post-new-younameit... but of course, if you want to read the reeeeeal unabridged stuff about coffee and tacos, you'll have to suscribe to his paying newsletter.
    this morning that douche who, do i need to go as far as say one year ago, urged us to drop everything we possess and live without anything and no money wrote this crap
    "One of the main strategies that I use to avoid having ephemeral expectations of myself such as ‘be realistic!’ is to calculate my Target Monthly Income (TMI)

    Here’s how I calculated my current TMI for living out of a hotel in Mexico.

    1. How much is my hotel?
    Daily: $60 USD | Monthly: $1,860 USD
    2. How much is my food?
    Daily: $30 USD | Monthly: $930 USD
    3. How much does travel cost? Around $200 USD monthly.

    I have other miscellaneous costs, such as clothing, health insurance, and other things — I still have a phone bill, because I’m procrastinating on canceling my iPhone. These misc. expenses vary from month to month. I’ll give myself an additional $500 in padding for these costs and other things I’m forgetting.

    If I owned property or a car + insurance, these costs would probably be higher. This is why I’ve deliberately chosen to not own these things.

    My TMI currently is approximately $3,490. That means that I have to earn $3,490 + around 25% for taxes. So, $4362 USD per month in order to live comfortably out of a hotel in Mexico. I’ll round that up to $5,000 a month that I need to be earning.

    When I look at my income, it’s higher than that. If I need more, I can make more.

    Then, I can ask myself: “Am I being realistic (by choosing to live in a hotel in Mexico)?”
    I can answer “Hell, yes!” "

    my god, 5000$ a month !!! it's 4 times what i earned in a fulltime job, and his expenses, like 1860$ a month for an hotel room is three times what i pay in mortgage for a home i should have be ashamed to own a few months ago... 930$ in food, is almost twice what i spend each month for feeding a family of three human, two cats, two sheeps and five chicks. Hell, maybe a should get a blog myself, like "" or set up a ly. letter to teach ev how not to spend money as a ridiculous snobby white colonialist living off the third world.
    That man was a douche. Today he crossed the line and became an asshole. Period. And i'll stop right now to read his ruminations about his ass and what golden crap it can produce.

    1. Wow. We just spent 360 days in Mexico, and we averaged $1300/month in expenditures. Maybe we're doing something wrong...?

  5. Today he quit his latest endeavor of screwing people over. Evolving your digital work is now dead as well.

    Sadly we obtained all of his work - which he never really deleted. We just found a link he forgot to cover up. Now he will really have to delete it - wait... but ... we downloaded it since its all public anyway.

    Pretty funny shit over the years. Perhaps soon a link will apear here with a link to all of it.

    When he re-surfaces - we will be there ; )

  6. Here is the latest. After telling people off and telling them he quits he brings up an old story again - this is the beginning of the collapse:

    In the Best Way

    “I don’t know what I’m doing…In the best way!”

    This is the line Nathan used in the summer of 2008 when he wandered in and out of The Schoolhouse in Brookyn between trips to India, L.A. and two road-trips. What he said felt true “I don’t know what I’m doing”, and simultaneously disarming “In the best way!”.

    When I tell people I don’t have a plan, I’ve found that I also have to disarm them. When I say something I'm uncertain about, they start feeling uncertain. I’m not feeling uncertain, but now they are about how I’ll be in the future.

    “I don’t know where I’ll be after next week… but I’m not worried about that.”

    I meet my need for security in a different way than most people. I want to know that I’m sleeping somewhere at night, but I don’t necessarily care if it’s the same place every single night. I’ve found that having money free by having no overhead makes it easier to meet my need for security than tying up large amounts of money in longer term accommodations. If can never sign a lease again, I won’t. Yes, this means I pay more, in exchange I have more freedom.

    It’s true, I don’t have a longterm plan.

    I do know that I want to start off the year as close to zero as possible.

    …In the best way!

  7. Still enjoying his occasional free emails.

    In the latest one, he's promoting his latest paid offering, "Present Yourself".

    It starts out: "Every day I wake up, I pull on a pair of water-resistant climbing pants tailored in New York and a merino wool sweater."


    Then he links to the particular name-brand jacket he wears every day now. It is a stylish jacket, this I can't deny. Are we surprised?

    Other gems:
    "I’ve started looking at everyone’s screens when I walk into a coffee shop."

    "I look at my Internet presen[ce] every morning, because I want to present myself to the world. This is the work I do. I’ve been doing it for over a decade."

    "I remember when people first began Googling me."

    It still blows my mind that someone can consider careful daily tweaking of an online persona their life's work. I wish I knew people in real life who would get as big of a kick out of Ev as I do. Thanks for being there!

  8. Ev Bogue is currently on Google+ begging for money to get home from Berlin. This, after updating his Minimalist Business book. Blows my mind that people would take business advice from a guy who clearly fails at everything he does.

  9. I think it's actually worse than that. Gwen, his chum, seems somewhat less stable that young Ev, and the poor girl seems to have allowed herself to be dragged deeper into 'Ev-world'. While I don't doubt Ev's ability to ride out the financial and emotional (fibre)pit he's fallen into, I suspect Gwen may not emerge ego-and-mind-intact.

    Watch the ongoing Ev train wreck is compelling for sure. But I'm constantly surprised by the number of followers he has on G+. Or are they all, like me, simply there for the show?

    Whatever, he's the best entertainment out there. Long may he continue!

  10. I follow for the show!

    He already banned me from posting because I asked him, "what is this work to which you keep referring?" He didn't like that much.

    Everett "Professional Douchebag" Bogus

  11. Evidently Ev and Gwen are 'present' only on his node.js servers now. His G+ profile is gone. Their stream-of-consciousness web sites are almost identical. It seems as if she actually has a job, freelancing code stuff. Him? Not so much...
