Thursday, February 17, 2011

Moleskine vs. Moleskin

Everett Bogue spends a lot of time listing his possessions and, recently, his packing list for a journey in synergetic augmentalicious time-traveling dimensionality, AKA a flight to San Francisco. A constant presence on these lists has been something called a Moleskin.

Does he mean Moleskine?

That e at the end is pretty fucking critical, for a quick Googlin' reveals that there is, indeed, something called a Moleskin, but it bears little resemblance to the overpriced cahiers Mr. Bogue is probably trying to spell.

So, what's your vote? Does Bogue write in expensive little notebooks, or have augmented humans not yet evolved a solution to blistered feet?


  1. I love this. I've seen Moleskine spelled wrong on many a minimalist blogger site...perhaps it's too maxilist to use that last "e"? I've also seen it with a lower case "m", which would be wrong because it's a brand name...otherwise if one said they had "washed their clothes in tide" we would think they did their laundry at the beach. I guess owning good grammar skills and proper spelling would just be owning two things too many and they wouldn't have their "Hundred Item List" to flaunt. I love this blog.

  2. Oh, one other thing....have you seen the video he now has on his blog? Evidently "Crest" isn't listed among his limited amount of belongings. Ewww.

  3. I happened to catch that someone pointed this out to Bogue on Twitter the other day. They went largely ignored. I'm guessing by the pics on Bogue's site and the frequent pictures he posts to Twitter that he's never seen a Moleskine in his life. He seems to be writing in a cheapie noteook.

    And yes, Arron, I also caught Bogue's scary choppers in that video. The man needs some toothpaste!

  4. This is a better blog than Bogue"s. for several reasons. One reason is the lack of shameless self promotion and the overwhelming nausea of taking yourself WAY to seriously.. an original thinker? Bogue(us) is NOT... any self proclaimed guru, cybernetetic or otherwise, is missing the point... in a big this blog... will be a follower...

  5. I think you can count Bogue in as one of your readers. In his most recent post he actually spells Moleskine correctly.

  6. Bogue loves this site. He uses it to point out to the feeble minded that people are always going to say bad stuff about you and you shouldn't listen.

    The sad part is he understands how to write propaganda very well.
    He has even said that he no longer cares about grammar and spelling.

    Sadder yet. The people that follow him ( so called writers ) have never googled how to write propaganda. If they did it may save their lives.

    Do you like the purple or green stuff?
